The best way that I can describe repurposing content that I can thing of is with a fishing analogy.

When I go fishing I usually fish in saltwater and I like to go after black drum specifically and to catch them I use live minnows. At the same time I will throw out a couple of other lines with a shrimp on it because other fish will bite the shrimp and I can catch them too.

The same thing goes for content. You want to have your main platform for attracting new customers but the purpose of re purposing content is to have a place that other potential customers to find your content in other places they might be hanging out.

I like to use my platform for my main content and use other platforms to supplement the main channels.

Some of your main platforms are going to be places like






There are more but these are the most common among marketers. It is also important to know that you can use all of these platforms to re purpose the content of your main platform.

Best practices for repurpose content

How to repurpose content

What I am about to show some ways you can use these different platforms in conjunction with other platforms.

Turn your content into slides

Slideshare is a website where you can create slides for your content. When you are using slideshare you put a small amount content on each slide and the reader has to click next to get to the next slide.

This is alot like a powerpoint presentation and it makes your content easy to read.

Some ways to use slideshare to repurpose content are to add the main points of your youtube videos, podcast, or blog posts. This isn't going to cover everything but more like a summary,

Remember to add a link back to your main content so that people will be able to get to it easy if they want to see more than just a summary.

Turn your posts into pictures and infographics

Canva is the app I use to create all of the pictures for this blog.

Sometimes I use the photos I get from canva and just use it like it is but most of the time I will take screenshots from a source that I am referencing and use canva to touch it up.

You can use canva to turn any video, blog post, or podcast into an infographic also. After you have created an infographic you can post it to places like Instagram or and pinterest and point it to the original content.

Another cool thing you can do is any step by step guide that you have for your team, turn that into an infographic so they can print it out and reference it.

Transcribe videos and audios

We have a podcast that we just created for our business and post the episodes in a blog post everytime a podcast goes live.

There is a service that we found called otter notes and we have just started using it to transcribe all of them for people that would rather read it instead of listen to it.

You can also use this tool to turn your Youtube videos, or Facebook lives into blog posts, and slideshares.

Turn videos and audios into blog posts

A lot like we just talked about you can use blog posts to repurpose any video or audio.

The difference here is that we want to turn everything into a blog post.

The reason why?

Even if you aren't using SEO as your main marketing strategy, a blog is a good idea because there is a chance that you will be found on google and the traffic from google can keep coming for years.

Cross platform Videos

There is a guy on Youtube that I watch that sells a book for for $12. That's not much money but he has sold a couple thousand copies of this book.

The way he does it is by doing a Facebook live video a day, then he will download the video from Facebook and put it on Youtube.

Facebook live is his main platform but he gets alot of sales from Youtube too with the same video. It takes the same amount of time to do both platforms if you do it like this so why not?

There are some tools that help and you can broadcast out to more than one platform at a time to make it easier.

A couple good tools are Streamyard, zoom, and OBS software.

They even let you put links and comments from other people in the stream on your screen. These tools come in handy.

The point of this post is because if you are only posting content to one platform, you are probably leaving traffic on the table. It doesn't take a lot of time to repurpose content and get traffic from different sources.

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