It's actually kind of a cool Mindset Monday, just because you know as I'm shooting this as I'm as I'm as I'm going live with you here today whether you're watching the live, or the replay. It is Monday, the first Monday in March, right, so we're it's the beginning of a new week beginning of a new month, which also happens to be the first day the first week, right, it's the very beginning of the, the, the last month in the first quarter of 2021. I think that's cool I always love, you know, going into a new month a new week because it's just a new beginning.
And I've always just, you know, I've lived by the, the philosophy that every passing moment is a another chance to turn it all around. Right, we decide we decide how we are going to be how the world is going to see us right and we can make that decision on the fly right on, you know, at any given moment, especially coming into, you know, a new, a new period right whether that that's a new week, a new month a new, a new quarter a new year, right, but you can you can literally it doesn't have to be that you could literally do that, you know, every every day right you could do that, you know, every, every time you wake up, you can make the decision that I'm going to start playing differently from here on out.
Like, like, as an entrepreneur.
It's like, I can, at the end of every day, I can make the decision to fire myself. Right and you want to you want to be doing this you want to actually be looking back on at the end of your work day you want to look back on the day. At the end of your work week you want to look back on the week at the end of the month you want to look back at the month. And, you know, analyze, like what are some things that I could be doing different like don't don't waste, if you've had a bad experience, right, like you did not get the results that you wanted.
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What most people do is they just they just waste that right they don't, they don't learn, they don't, they don't look back. They don't do any kind of review, which means they have to keep learning the lessons over and over and over again, whereas the smart people, what they do is they, they look back and they think, okay, okay, I didn't get the results that I wanted. What could I have done differently. What can I do differently moving forward.
Right? But what happens is people get stuck in. You know, they just keep moving forward, they get they get stuck in, you know, in their own head, or they get stuck in some story that they've made up about why they're not getting the results, and we're going to talk about that here today as well because what I want to talk to you about today is about when to use, emotion, and when not to. Because emotion is so incredibly powerful.
Right? It's like you can, you know, marketing is a lot of effective marketing is based on emotion. Right. So, in any time that you are communicating right anytime that you are, you know you're promoting you're sharing you're creating content, you're having marketing conversations, you know whether those be having you're having, you're having conversations with prospects, whether that be, you know online over like Facebook Messenger or LinkedIn messenger, or whether you're having those in person, or or, you know, over the phone, right, it's like you, that is the sit those are the situations where you want to be using emotion, right, like if you're telling a story about how you know you, you've found yourself in this crisis situation where you know you you you know you you you were fed up, you know, you finally had enough.
Well, what was that situation for you by the way, right, because every single one of us that are in, you know we're entrepreneurs, we're in business. We had a situation where we said, Okay, I'm done doing this, I'm done, I'm done playing this game, I'm done living like this.
Right? What was that for you and maybe it was most likely a series of events, but that's what you need to be talking about, you need to be you need to be putting content out there, you need to be sharing those stories, you know, on Facebook posts in LinkedIn posts, you need to be sharing those stories, when you're communicating with people like you should have stories in your back pocket that were, that are ready to go about a situation that you found yourself in and you should be using emotion in those in those stories in that communication.
And I think that that's one of the reasons why I've been so effective I've been so successful as a marketer and as a, as a home business owner is because I'm able to get an emotional response. And I am, I'm okay like I'm, I can be vulnerable enough, Like I have the courage to be vulnerable enough online to where I can share stories of, you know where I was and even it doesn't have to be where I was 10 years ago, it could be where I was last week.
Right and you and you want to be able to be that real in that raw with people, because it's going to create an emotional connection. Okay, when we, when we make sales videos, like when we do webinars and VSL sells, like we want to create an emotional roller coaster.
And if you see our VSL if you watch our VSL. and the next time you watch it right or you know a lot of our marketing content, not so much our live content but like the stuff that we like plan out and put together, right, you will notice there it's an emotional roller coaster. I'm saying like, Oh my god, imagine what your life would be like if you had this, what would your business be like if you had, you know people applying to work with you, and you had, you know, you woke up in the morning to new appointments and excited prospects like you see I'm like, I'm like taking them up to the top of the roller coaster.
Right and then I'm saying okay but you know what, what's going to happen if you don't have this, and the people that don't have this stuff figured out. Here's what they got to deal with they got to, you know, they get ghosted by prospects. Right, they're they're the they're the ones who they have, you know that they, they get those looks from their spouse about like, Hey, when are you going to actually figure this out and start bringing some money in.
Right, it's like, you know, they're, they're the ones that are dealing with all kinds of rejection, and I won't even say, rejection, I'll say, you're dealing with embarrassing rejection from prospects, right, you see it's like, it's like the bottom of the roller coaster. It's like there's going to be in all in any kind of an effective marketing and sales process, there's going to be peaks and valleys.
Like, that's when you need to be using emotion when you're on a sales call with somebody and it's like, and then they're like, they're like, oh, you know, I've, you know I've been stuck at, you know less than $1,000 a month in my business, for this for this one, it's like, Oh really, I mean, or it's like I've been stuck at this level, okay, how long have you been dealing with that. And they're like, they're like I've been dealing with it for about four years now. Really four years Wow, and tell me how is this affecting other areas of your life.
You know how's this affecting your marriage how's this affecting your family?
You know it's like it's like we get we ask those kinds of questions, because we want them to get emotional about the situation, because once they, like, like here here's how you sell like, here's how you get really effective at selling you get them to see that the cost of staying where they're at, is much greater than the cost of moving forward, the risk to them of staying where they're at and not taking action with you, not buying from you, the risk of them staying where they are, and like, Okay, well what's going to happen six months from now 12 months from now if you don't get this figured out. Right?
It's like if, as soon as they see that the risk of staying where they are outweighs the risk of buying from you joining you doing business with you. That's when the sale is going to be made. Okay and we don't and we want them. That's why we ask leading questions because we want them to come to that realization themselves. Okay, we don't want to, we don't want to push people into making a decision. We want to lead them into making a decision.
Okay, so that's when you want to use emotion to your advantage.
The more you can tell stories about your own situations, people, it doesn't even have to be your story, it could be, it could be a story of people, you know, of you know of somebody else on your team somebody else in your company or organization that you know of, you could use their story, to, to share that emotion, Right, that is what is going to move people in to action.
Okay so now let's talk about when not to use emotion.
Again when you are making important decisions about your business when you are making important life decisions when you are making investment decisions. That is when you need to keep the emotion out of it. Okay, or, you know, we just we are we are emotional creatures, even the most logical human beings on the planet are still incredibly emotional, so it's difficult to do, and the people that that that have been able to figure it out, and have been able to you know to get emotion out of it.
Those are some of the most effective people in business, because they are able to, it's almost like when you're, when you're when you're in a very emotional state, you. There's like certain parts of your brain that are activated and there's other parts of your brain that kind of shut down a little bit.
And we want to make sure that when we are making important decisions about our lives, our relationships, the future of our families, our businesses, our finances, that we, that we are able to make logical decisions that we are using the, I believe it's the frontal, I'm not sure if it's the cerebral cortex or the frontal lobe of your brain, but it's like, it's like we want to make sure that we're using the logical part of our brain.
Right, because we because too many people make decisions based on drama, rather than data, as entrepreneurs we have to learn to make data driven decisions, and not decisions based on drama, and stories, because that is what gets people in trouble. They said in investing the two, the two things, the two emotions that that trip people up in being effective, investors, there's two things, fear and greed, fear and greed are both emotions. It's like, it's like if you, it's like, oh my god, you know this this stock is tanking.
Right, I need to pull all my money out right and you pull all of your money out of it right before it starts to climb again. Right, right, so it's like that's making a fear based investment decision. And to say the same as greed, it's like, oh this you know this is going up and up and up, like, I gotta buy it and put all my money in it right now because it's going up and then you put all your money into it, right before it starts to tank.
Okay, that's like, that's like buying high and selling low that's like the opposite of what you're supposed to be doing but a lot of people do that. A lot of people do that, because they because they allow fear and greed, they allow emotions to get in the way of clean, of, of their decision making. Okay, so the next time you go to make a decision about your business and people do this all the time, home business owners do this all the time it's like, it's like, oh, you know, they, they, they, they start to get some momentum.
They start. They start making some things happen, they start moving in the right direction, but then they you know somebody, somebody says something, or, you know, they, they, they, they, you know have some marketing campaign that doesn't work, or they get, you know, some somebody leaves the, they get a situation where like, you know, a prospect says they're going to join them on Friday at four o'clock.
And then Friday at four o'clock rolls around and they're nowhere to be found. Right and what and what, what do we do typically in that situation. This has happened a million times. It's like they say, okay, you know what, this doesn't work. And then they stop and they kill all that momentum that they have, because they allowed you know some they allowed emotion to come in, and it's not it's not because the prospect said they were going to join, and then they didn't.
That's not the reason, because that is the reality of what happened, but there's reality because then there's the story about what happened. Okay, there's the reality of the situation. And then there's the story that we make up in our mind about the reality of the situation. And then we engage with the story rather than reality. This is like every single human being on the planet does this. It's like we engage, we engage with the story about what happened, rather than the reality of what happened.
And if you, if you can make that conscious choice if you can, if you're actually self aware enough, and this comes with time and practice and, and, you know, personal development. If you can become self aware enough to that to where you can you can realize that that's just something that happened.
That's just something that, that I got it You know I got to deal with temporarily. Right and you make your commitments more powerful than, then then that stuff that is when you're going to be, you know, you'll just be unstoppable. And that's where we want to get to.
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