Adam - Sales conversions and some things that you can do to shift your perspective, around, around sales, so that you can become a more effective sales person so I'm going to go ahead and share my screen here. All right, hopefully you are seeing this, you should be seeing my screen and hopefully my video is in the presentation as well. Let's do this. Three rules of sales.

Rule number one, it is your job to help the prospect, make the best decision for them, not for you, not for your company for themselves. That is the number one job of a salesperson is to help the prospect, make the best decision for them. Now the best decision for them mate might be joining you and working with you and doing business with you. However, that might be the right decision for them may not be. And you know sometimes it's actually beneficial to not allow somebody to move forward and buy right now, you can actually create a lot of trust. By doing that, but by by delaying the decision.

I'll be you know some people and this this is very common as well. Some people have a real hard time making decisions, and as entrepreneurs, they're not going to get very far as entrepreneurs, if they have a tough time making decisions. So sometimes we need to challenge them and and make them you know forced them to make a decision, because it's in their best interest to do so, because we need to develop them into the kind of person that is comfortable making decisions, because it's one of the biggest jobs of an entrepreneur, like there's no successful entrepreneur, ever in the history of entrepreneurship, that has been that has been sucky at making decisions.

Most people really suck at making decisions. That's a muscle that we've got to develop as entrepreneurs, and that we need to help other entrepreneurs, whether they're on our team, whether they are you know prospects who might be joining our team, we want to start developing them early on to become decision making, people, people that can make decisions quickly.

This is something I learned from a mentor, a long time ago. Successful people make decisions very, very quickly, and they change their mind very slowly, whereas unsuccessful people make and take forever to make decisions they make decisions very slowly and then they change their mind very quickly. Right, so it might take. Have you ever been, you know you.

Somebody took forever drag drag their feet for weeks or months, and then they finally made a decision to join the view in your business, and they quit like a week later, as soon as they realized that that it was not all sunshine and rainbows that it was going to actually take some real work have you ever had been in that decision, or have you ever been in that experience. If you have not, and you want to grow a big business, guess what, it's coming that okay. So you guys leave me a net you know now that we've been here for a couple of minutes, drop me a comment let me know if you're watching this live, or if you're watching it on the replay.

Let me know where you're chiming in from where you're joining the live from and definitely if you're getting value from this if you're having any kind of aha moments if you're digging the content, let me know. Drop a comment say I like number one, whatever.

Okay, number two, what is best for them is almost always outside of their comfort zone. Okay, so let's go back to rule number one. It is your job to help the prospect make the best decision for them, what is best for them is almost always outside of their comfort zone, we have to be willing to challenge people to get out of their comfort zone, because that is where the breakthroughs are going to happen for that. If we really want to serve them.

And that's what I that's when I say challenge and shift your perspective around sales, that is exactly what I mean, we need to put like I want I want to challenge your perspective about sales, most people, you know, they get weird, weird, you know, things come up for them. When just the idea of sales or selling or selling to somebody over the phone, but, but when you think about it and when you start to look at it as I'm serving them.

The point of the call is to serve the prospect. Right then, it's not about you trying to get them to do something that they don't want to do. That's if that's your mentality around sales, you're probably not going to be a very effective salesperson, but if your mentality is I am going to serve this person, I'm going to help this person sometimes helping them is making them get out of their comfort zone, you know put, you know, asking them questions about what's going on in their business what's going on in their life. You know why you know, it's not working, why is it not working, why are you continuing to do what isn't working right those are tough questions that effective salespeople are willing to ask because it's serving them. It is serving them to ask them questions that are challenging them because staying in their comfort zone is exactly what is keeping them stuck in their business, and stuck in their life.

Number three, they're going to fight like hell to stay inside their comfort zone. Number three they are going to fight like hell to stay inside their comfort zone, you got to be willing to call people on their BS, if they say, right, they're going to use these backdoors right like like, look at this image right here, you see, you see there, they, they've got these backdoors like they can use the excuse of I don't have enough time. I don't have the money. You know I got to talk to my spouse, I got to think about it, you know, the market is too saturated, you know whatever they're going to come up with whatever reason to stay inside their comfort zone.

Okay, they might actually realize that it's a great opportunity for them, but there are still going to be wanting to stay inside their comfort zone, by using excuses like, I don't think I have enough time. I don't think I have enough money, Right. Those are the common objections that you are going to get any you have got to this is this is So, if I could sum up like the sales process, in like just one, you know, just just one element, right, this is it, it's like we've got to get them to ignore the backdoors and we've got to get them to take a leap of faith into the unknown.

The unknown is outside of their comfort zone. Okay, they're going to want to go take those back doors, we've got to, you know, we've got to not allow them to take those back doors I mean I mean, look, Of course sometimes, if somebody says, you know, I don't have the money, right, we, and what I mean is I don't mean like don't take no for an answer. I mean, we need to call them on that. Right, if somebody says, I don't have the money, it's like okay, well, what exactly do you mean by that, right, because there have been many times in my entrepreneurial career.

When I have not had the money like sitting on the nightstand, but I still found a way to get it because I knew that it was going to move my business forward and move my life forward. Right, so like, you know you got to kind of dig down into the objection if somebody says, I don't have the money, If they say, I don't have the time, it's like okay well what do you mean by that. What do you know, because they might just be saying that to blow you off right you're in this and this is something that does kind of come with experience as well, is, you know, are they actually are, do they actually mean it, right, are they aren't is their objection, actually, authentic, or are they just blowing you off some of that is just timing.

If they say, I don't have, or some of that is just the timing of when they say it in the conversation. If in the first two minutes, they're saying I don't have the time or I don't have the money, like that's probably they're probably just blowing you up right but if after you ask them questions, we want to get those objections, out of the way early on. So, we need to ask them, you know, things like, well look if you you know you just told me that you're looking for an opportunity. If you were to see something that you, that you could see a clear path to getting to your financial objections that you've already told me, right, if I showed that to you.

Are you in a financial position to move forward with it. Let's tell us talk about that. Do you have income coming in now, do you have available, do you have availability on, You know if it's something that they really want, and you know I use stories like that I use stories from my own life, you know, saying things like, look, there's, there has been many times in my entrepreneurial career where I haven't had the money, have the money, like lying around, but I was willing but I have the desire and I was willing to get creative. Is that you, are you in that position to where you, you have the desire, but it really is like you're really like, you know, having to rub two pennies together, or like you're having a hard time putting food on the table, because in that case, we need to have a different conversation.

Right, so you see how like we're digging into the objection to find out if it's a legitimate objection or if they're just trying to blow us off, because if they really are like having a hard time, you know, putting food on the table then maybe there's another way that I can help them. Right, remember that a good goal is to serve them. The goal is to help them. Okay, anyway, back to the conversation right. You need to be be the type of person that can get them. And this comes through leadership, it comes through authority branding, I mean, a lot of this, getting them to ignore these backdoors and take that leap with you into the unknown. A lot of it is, what did you know what was the process that they went through before they got on the phone with you in the first place.

Right and we and this is something that we teach and we do in our programs is, is you know we create some really, really killer marketing assets that they you know in kind of a marketing process, that they have to go through before they get on the phone with you, right, that is designed to get the right people on the phone with you, so that a lot of those objections are handled we've already, you know, we've already used filters to filter out.

Excuse me filter out a lot of the people that we don't want to be on the phone with in the first place that we don't want in the business in the first place, a good sales funnel is going to repel the wrong people as much as it is going to, as much as it is going to attract the right people. Right, so, so, I mean, so a lot of that like do you know being in a position to get them to ignore those backdoors and take that leap into the unknown is going to come from the authority positioning that you've done in the marketing funnel in the marketing process, you know, getting up to that point.

So objections should be handled before you before they even leave your prospects now. Right so, so like, you want to be, you want to be asking,

In fact finding questions early on in the conversation, you know, okay, okay. So tell me, you know, you, you said on your application right that's something else that we do in our sales process is we use an application process so we can say, you said in your application that you want to create, you know, an income from home so that you can be your own boss.

Now is that something that you are serious about, or is that just something that you're interested in. That's a great question for a lot of different times in the sales process, right, is that so are you committed to that or is that just something that you're, that you're somewhat interested in. It's a great way of, of determining how serious somebody is about what they're telling you that they want for themselves. Right so, so asking those kinds of questions. Okay, are you the decision maker, Right, like like, Are you, are you married. Okay, so, okay, or you're married now, is the business something you and your wife do together, or you and your husband do together, or are you the primary decision.

And in some in sometimes they'll say like no I mean, my wife. My wife doesn't do the business with me, but she supports me, and I am in it, and she and she's, it allows me to make my own decisions. Okay, great. You see, because we got that question answered, early on. Now, later on in the conversation and once we present the price right once the objections start to come up, right, then we can actually, you know, then they're going to be less likely to use that objection and if they do say, well I need to talk about it with your wife, with my wife, it's like, okay, well wait a minute, you told me, 10 minutes ago that you, that your wife supports your decisions and that he that, that that's not a problem, right?

Same thing we can use for the time objection for the money objection for the I need to think about it objection, that's a big one, you know, that sounds great. You know I'm interested but I just I just need to think about it, and that's when you really want to, you know, go back to, you know, number one, right, it's like her. I'm sorry I guess it would be, you know, what is best for them is almost always out of their comfort zone, that might be a comfort zone thing, right, like they might be the kind of person that doesn't get results in their life, because they are someone who perpetually drags their feet and can't ever make a decision. If that's the case, then they use that, I need to think about it objection.

Then, then you know I'm going to be like okay, all right. You know what, let me ask you this. What other areas of your life do you procrastinate getting the things that you want, because you have a hard time making a decision. Is your business the only area of your life that suffers because of your inability to make a decision. You see that's a hard question that's the kind of question that like it, you know some people can't ask, they have a hard time asking that question, but like, I feel like if I really want to serve them.

Then I'm going to ask them those kinds of questions because those are probably the things that are holding them back in their life, and I want them to be able to move forward, powerfully in life, right, in which case, I'm going to call them out on their inability to make a decision, right, if that is something that's true for them, maybe they're just blowing this up again, that's something that we need to figure out through the sales process. Okay, is this is this been been good for you give me, do me a favor, if you've gotten some value from this if you think this is this is like, you know, sales and marketing like entrepreneurial gold, let me know below just comment gold or comment one thing that you got from this, you know from the, you know, this little presentation.

What's one thing that you that you got from, from, from this what was one aha moment that you had, you know, wasn't you know related to, you know the three rules of sales, or, you know the back doors handling objections getting them to take that leap into the unknown. Once again, just to recap those three rules are, number one, it's your job to help the prospect, make the best decision for them. Number two, what is best for them is almost always out of their comfort zone.

And then number three, they are going to fight like hell to stay inside their comfort zone. That's why we have to be more confident than that guy that's why doing this over and over and over again it's going to build your confidence, getting the best results in your business is going to build your confidence. Confidence is something that you need to develop in your business so that you can have those conversations with people, so that you can, you know you're, It's almost like your confidence has to outweigh their doubt if they have some doubts, your confidence has to be greater than those doubts, if you want to be really effective. You know at sales and marketing and the people that are really effective, are able to just print money on demand that they're they become there they're the kind of people that any business that they go in.

Any, any, any venture that they go in any product, the product is completely irrelevant, because it's them it's their, their skill set, their ability to lead people through a conversation. Right, it's their, their ability that that is what ultimately, you know is going to drive the growth of the business, the growth of, you know the residual check right become that person work on building those skills becoming that person, and then the product is irrelevant. It really doesn't matter. Yeah, you know, it really is like you become, you know, you get that Midas touch. And that's what we want for you here the digital upline, that's what we want to help you to create the systems and the skills to you know get results on demand in any business that your little heart desires. That's where I'm going to leave you. Today, digital upline, calm, leave me a comment below. We'll see out there.

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