For Network Marketing LEADERS who Want to Reclaim Their TIME
The New, Super Simple 'Upside Down' Enrollment Method for Consistent Enrollments and Rapid Team Duplication
(Without Dealing with Uninterested Prospects EVER Again)
From The Desk Of Adam Chandler
Industry Top Producer & 7 Figure Earner
Dear Fellow Home Business Owners
It's time to get unstuck.
And discover a NEW method for growing your team FAST and maximize your TIME along the way.
If you are sick of hearing, “just go talk to more people”
From up-line leaders and industry gurus.
If you are DONE cold prospecting strangers in Facebook groups...
Pretending to be interested in them only to “pitch them” on your business or your products when the time is right...
If you are ready to draw a line in the sand and declare...
“No more getting ghosted by prospects"
"No more giving up all of my POWER in the name of finding people to talk to about my business"
No more getting messages from prospects saying things like, “Well I haven’t watched your video yet, maybe I’ll get to it this weekend...”
If you are ready to ‘graduate' from the old school, out-dated slow-poke strategies (taught far and wide to network marketers)
And build a thriving team QUICKLY…
Pay very close attention because the The Upside Down Enrollment Method is definitely FOR YOU!
The strategies shared in this page are unconventional and even a little controversial.
But they flat out WORK for those willing to challenge conventional thinking and those of us who think it's foolish to follow the pack when 99% of home business owners make less than $100 a week.
The first time I implemented the Upside Down Enrollment Method in my own business....
I Enrolled Over 50% of My Prospects and Signed 10 New Front-Line Team Members in the First Week
At the time not only was it a game changer...
It was a godsend!
Back when I joined my first network marketing business I had no experience as an entrepreneur as well as...
ZERO marketing skills
ZERO credibility with my friends and family
ZERO online or technical skills
ZERO connections in the industry
ZERO success stories to fall back on
In fact.... zero success in anything to speak of, period.
The fact that I had no credibility with my friends and family made it nearly impossible to prospect them without getting blown off or even laughed at...
So my warm market was completely out of the question. I was so DESPERATE to get results I had resorted to doing things like…
Obnoxiously spamming my links and pictures of my products around Social Media…
Pretending to be interested in complete strangers on Facebook just to pitch them my business when the time was right...
Even cold calling random real estate agents to try and pitch them my business opportunity...
Up to that point I was experiencing nothing but embarrassing, painful failure and mediocre results.
After I discovered the 'Upside Down Enrollment Method’ I began actually sponsoring people into my business and making commissions on the regular!
With the 'Upside Down Enrollment Method' I no longer had to worry about burning my friends list or "hunting" strangers in FB groups.
In fact, using this method along with free organic marketing I was able to get 18 people to “apply" to work with me
And because I had a system for PRIMING PROSPECTS I only spoke with the most interested ones...
The ones who were already interested in what I had
The result was that I signed 10 of them up into my network marketing biz in just one week.
That's right I closed over 50% of the people I spoke with!
Since then we’ve refined the process with some new bells and whistles and today we regularly get between 7-12 applicants per day with this method.
People APPLYING to work with our team.
And it doesn't just work for network marketers either.
We used the Upside Down Enrollment Method to launch a high ticket coachaing business and these were the results
✅Month 1 we made $27,000
✅Month 2 we made $77,000
✅Month 3 we made $93,000
I stumbled upon this process out of a desire to answer a question...
A question which I've come to find is the million dollar question that ALL home business owners MUST ask themselves if they want any chance of life changing income and long term results in their business...
How the heck am I going to find people to join my business after I’ve tapped out my warm market?
The internet and social media is an obvious choice But then you have to ask yourself HOW are you going to find and attract prospects.
You really only have 2 options.
Back to that in just a minute… FIRST…
Anyone who has ever build a successful downline organization in network marketing (online or offline) knows that...
Enrolling a Consistent Stream of Quality Distributors to Grow Your Downline is a Process of "Sifting and Sorting"
Sifting through the MASSES to find the FEW
The few who will not only join you…
But who will lock arms with you, put their head down and BUILD WITH YOU for the long haul.
With the Upside Down Enrollment Method we use the same “sifting and sorting” philosophy but the APPROACH is very different.
See, most home business builders spend an absurd amount of time MANUALLY doing all the sifting and sorting themselves through a process known as “Prospecting”.
Back in the 1990’s “prospecting" meant talking to strangers in shopping malls or calling purchased “lead lists.”
People still do this to this day.
I spoke with a networker recently who told me he had to cold call 100 prospects to find just 1 new distributor.
And he had to enroll 10 distributors to find just ONE who will actually run with it and promote them business themselves.
That means he has to make 1,000 cold calls to find to find just 1 worthwhile distributor.
These days many network marketers do the equivalent of this on social media rather than the phone.
They “cold prospect" strangers in Facebook groups or on Instagram.
Manual “Prospecting” requires you to connect with HUGE amounts of people, to find a few diamonds in the rough who will join you..
And many people get frustrated and burnt out with the process long before they see substantial results…
It looks a lot like this:

With "cold prospecting" YOU are the bottleneck. If you're not manually doing all the prospecting and follow up yourslef, your business comes to a screeching halt!
Real business owners create leverage by systemizing and automating manual processes in order to create speed and save time. Thats what we're doing with the Upside Down Enrollment Method.
With this process you might have to talk to 20 people to get just 1 who will actually take a look your company video.
A video by the way, that is being shared by thousands (or possibly hundreds of thousands) of others distributors in your company.
So you better cross your fingers that they haven’t seen it before or you are toast right out of the gate.
7 of them will tell you that they will check it out but the majority never actually will… Many are just being “nice” and they want to appear to be open minded.
3 weeks later you follow up with them and they never actually looked at it…
"I think I’ll have a chance this weekend, maybe"
The 1 who actually takes a serious look, says he’ll join you next Friday at 4pm…
But then Friday at 4:00 rolls around and what happens?
They are NOWHERE to be found! You just got ghosted…
One of the 20 might actually join but they jump-ship 6 weeks later because they don't want to try and recruit his friends or cold prospect strangers on Instagram…
So now you gotta go out and talk to ANOTHER 20 just to get one more guy to pull the trigger…
My god its exhausting just writing it!
The point is that you had to put your PERSONAL TIME into following up with ALL of them!
And since people are conditioned to be nice and not hurt your feelings, many will just pretend to be interested and string you along rather than just telling you NO so you can move on…
What if You Could Completely AUTOMATE the Entire Sifting and Sorting Process
Finally you can.
It's now possible with the Upside Down Enrollment Method!
With the UDE Method You ONLY get on the phone with with the most interested, vetted, pre-qualified and pre-converted prospects.
Many of whom usually just want to ask a few questions before they sign up.
So you spend ZERO time communicating with them...
Seriously by setting up some automated follow-up you can EXPOSE people to the business all day every day without you having to do all the time consuming leg work yourself.
Doesn’t that sound way more fun?
AND a lot more conducive to living a life you love?
So What Exactly is The Upside Down Enrollment Method?

The automation follows up with everyone, including the semi-interested leads.
But you ONLY spend your valuable (and i'm guessing very limited TIME) with the PRIMED PROSPECTS who already know who you are and are interested in what you have.
And rather than chasing or convincing prospects to join, it creates a situation where they have to sell YOU on why you should accept them onto YOUR team.
Kind of like a job interview.
AND only when they are further along in the buying process.
Which makes the recruiting process WAY easier when you get on the phone with them
Because it puts you in a position of POWER rather than weakness.
YOU and your program/opportunity become “The Prize”
Which is a 180 degree shift from "cold prospecting” where THEY are the prize
(and they know it)
See the difference?
So the process looks more like like:

With the Upside Down Enrollment Method YOU and your program/opportunity become "The Prize"
Rather than "cold prospecting" where THEY are the prize.
So with the "UDE MEthod" you immediatly have a position of power with your prospects rather than weakness.
This is how I was able to sign up over 50% of my prospects and enroll 10 new reps in my network marketing business in just 1 week.
Because I only talked to the ones who were...
When you set yourself up like this you can EXPOSE people to your business all day every day without you having to do all the time consuming leg-work yourself.
See with this unique process we are still capturing leads on the front end.
But rather than manually following up with all of them we let the automation do that.
We only spend our time with the PRIMED PROSPECTS
Who are already indoctrinated and interested enough to complete an application to work with our team.
And we have them complete an application while simultaneously booking a call to speak with a member of our team about getting started.
Here's a screen shot I took this morning from our scheduling system showing 11 PRIMED PROSPECTS who booked a call to speak with one of our team members about getting started.

Remember these are PRIMED PROSPECTS, not just email leads who opted in for some free download.
These people are indoctrinated.
They know who we are and they are interested in what we have.
Not only have they booked a call with us but they’ve even completed an application further vetting and qualifying them for our program.
All in the name of maximizing time and sales conversions.
By the way we have students who start enrolling new reps right away using the Upside Down Enrollment Method, sometimes on their very FIRST call.
So Why Are Company Leaders and Industry Guru's NOT Teaching This?
Network marketing company owners HAVE TO cater any business building methods they teach to ANYONE who might become a distributor.
Regardless of whether you are a 83 grandmother who wants to make a few sales to cover her own monthly product commitment...
Or a driven go-getter who wants replace their income from their job quickly.
Wouldn’t it make sense that those 2 people would be trained differently and maybe even given different systems?
But they’re not, are they?
Because they have to cater to everyone, they can’t go give everyone funnels and filtering systems.
They’re doing this because they have THEIR best interest in mind…
Not Yours.
Not because they are bad people…
It’s just business.
It’s the same with a lot of the big names in network marketing.
The industry guru’s who teach you to go out and “cold prospect” strangers on Instagram...
While they themselves are running MASSIVE advertising campaigns and sending you through very well-thought-out and professionally designed marketing funnels.
So in an industry where the company owners are not setting you up for personal success and the big players are telling you to do one thing while they are personally doing something very different...
Is it really any wonder why most home business owners are dazed and confused and getting mediocre table scrap results? I think it’s time for a change…
Check out some of the results our students were able to see after implementing this process in their businesses.
Marie Taulbee
"Woke up yesterday to see someone booked a call - and TODAY THEY JOINED! WIN!"
Gary Sumner
"WIN! Natalie and I brought TWO new people into our team yesterday.... Let's GO!!"

Want similar results in yoru own business?
Remember this is the EXACT process that allowed me to sign 10 new reps into my network marketing business out of just 18 prospects.
That’s over a 50% conversion from lead to buyer! In 2019 we refined the process and re-launched the Upside Down Enrollment Method with stellar results…
Month 1 we made $27,000
Month 2 we made $77,000
Month 3 we made $93,000
You read that right…
We made $193,000 in just 3 months with the Upside Down Enrollment Method.
And now I just want to give you the exact system and teach you, step by step how to make it work for your business.
Why would I do that?
Well, I've been fortunate enough to profit from this system for years already.
I'm now at the point where I want to give back.
I still love making money.
But nowadays, seeing other people succeed is just as exciting.
Thats why I’ve decided to systemize the entire sales funnel process so it works with ANY home business owner promoting any network marketing opportunity.
Want Our Help Setting up Your Own Upside Down Enrollment Marketing Machine ?
We can help you set this up for yourself without all the trial and error we had to experience, by scheduling a marketing game-plan strategy call with our team.
We’ll talk for about 30 - 40 minutes and we’ll map out an exact plan for you to follow to take your business to create a 3X - 5X spike in sales and signups over the next 90 days
Together we will dial in YOUR business and your exact income goals and get absolute clarity on how to reach them as fast as possible…
You’ll get an exact top to bottom strategy to make it happen
Imagine it... A complete system of PRIMED PROSPECTS who want what you have and are eager to get started.
Less time prospecting strangers and dealing with embarrassing rejection
More time doing what you want
While you enroll excited new prospects in your business
And then share with your team so they can duplicate the results
By the way, simply by sharing the UDE system with 2 people you can have the system paying for itself.
Share it with 10 and you have built a nice secondary residual income stream for your business.
The Way I See It You've Got 3 Options to Finally Build The Lifestyle Friendly Business You’ve Been Dreaming Of…
The way I see it you have 3 options
Option #1 - Do absolutely nothing and stay right where you are now.
If you already have a strategy thats producing consistent quality prospects and enrollments in your business and you are happy at your current rate of growth...
Then maybe you don’t need the Downline Accelerator But if you want to finally, scale your team and your biz and grow your monthly income and set yourself financially free…
That leaves the other 2 options.
Option #2 - Try and figure it out on your own
Look there are a lot of people on the internet who would be happy to charge you $5,000 to build you a “funnel” to sell your products PLUS $100 a month to access the software to host the funnel.
WIth my system you get the funnel just for trying out the software.
Plus those other "funnel experts" don’t know the first thing about the nuances of network marketing.
This is the cross your fingers and hope that it works out option
#3 - Let me do the heavy lifting for you
Let me give you my proven prosepct filtering system and help you make it work for your business.
We’ve already done the legwork honing the strategy and doing all the time consuming trial and error.
All you need to do is schedule your marketing game plan consultation, and start going through the 6 short videos in the series.
Then breathe a sigh of relief...
Knowing you’ve done something positive for your business, your team and your future.
Of these 3 options, ask yourself... What’s going to be easiest for you, now and in the future?
See there are only 2 kinds of people in network marketing
Those who dream about achieving their goal of a successful lifestyle business without ever taking the actions necessary to bring it to fruition.
And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.
Everyone WANTS a successful business...
But we both know very few actually make it happen Since you’ve stayed with me here until the end I think you might be one of the special ones.
If I’m right and you’re still with me…
Book your breakthrough strategy call and let us help you get this revolutionary system up and running for your business.
Only you can decide
Adam Chandler
Digital Upline Marketing Director

P.S. If the way you're currently building your business isn't producing the results or the lifestyle your looking for... Or if you just want to discuss ways to create more systems and leverage in your business, book a call and lets discuss a new plan to reach your goals. Secure a spot on our calendar for your marketing game plan strategy call and let us help you get this revolutionary system up and running for your business.