Adam - This is a productivity planning strategy and tool I mean it's a tool but it's like you don't you don't even have to use the actual, you know PDF itself. In fact, what I do is I just have a piece of, you know I've got a notepad here you can see you know one of those things that opens up like this, and I actually like to do with grid paper, because it just helps me to, you know, make the lines and you know make everything all, you know, neat and everything, but it doesn't have to be that I mean it's, as long as you have a notebook that opens up to two sides.
This piece right here is, picture this pieces the right piece of the notebook, and then this piece up here is this is the the left side of the notebook. Okay, so again, I don't use the digital version of this, I do it in a notebook. Okay so, On the right side of the notebook at the very top, I put the week of Monday, January 11 Right and then and then whatever the final day of the week is you know Sunday, you know, Sunday the 18th that will be more.
Yeah, Sunday the 18th so, you know, week of Monday January 11 Goes right at the top, and then the right below that is goals and priorities, what are your goals and priorities for the week, most most entrepreneur I mean just most people in general they create goals, as they create goals once a year, it's the beginning of the year, and that happens to be right now, but if you want to hit your yearly goals, you've got to get and we talked about this on one of our broadcasts that we did last week. It's like if you want to win the year, you've got to win the quarter if you want to win the quarter you got to win the month.
If you want to win the month you got to win the week if you got to if you want to win the week, you got to win the day. If you want to win the day you got to win the hour, and if you want to win the hour you got to win the moment, right, we talked about how, you know, the new year is going to unfold as a series of moments, and the more of those moments you can win. Right, versus, you know, let you know, versus lose the, the more the better the chances of you hitting your, your annual goal, right.
So, you don't want to just if you've got a goal, a goal for the year, right, then make sure that you have goals for the month and you've got goals for the week. So this is what I do to set my goals and prioritize my time for the week. So the first thing is goals and priorities what what is, what am I going to create this week in my business and I actually have several different ways that I that I break that down. I have a revenue goal, right so under goals priority revenue goal sales goal. Bookings goal, how many new bookings, I mean new like prospect appointments, am I going, am I going to put through my system. This week, game booking goal leads goal and then for me.
I also have a front end goal because we have front end products, but that's the breakdown is revenue, sales bookings leads, and, and front end products, right. Most of those are going to apply to anybody that could be listening to this right now except for the front end, you might you might have a version of that you might not, it's totally fine, so it could, it could just be revenue sales bookings and leads. Okay, so that's how I break down the the goals for. For the week, and then I go right into okay what are the actions, what am I going to see this is like an outcome goal. This is an outcome goal.
This is a process goal. It makes sure that anytime you create an outcome goal that you are also creating a process goal, and that's me it's a big problem that most most entrepreneurs are faced with is is, you know, they set these outcome goals but then they have no idea what they are going to do to actually get there and to shrink the gap between where they're at right now, And there, and hitting their goal. Okay, so outcome goal process goal, another, another way that we say this is, this is a lead indicator lead indicator because it's about results.
This is a lag indicator because it's about what are you doing, what are the actions you are taking to get to the result lag lag indicators, and lead indicators outcome goal process goal, just make sure like to drill this into your brain. I will never create a outcome goal without immediately creating a process goal for the actions that I will take to reach that desired outcome.
Okay that's one way that you can shrink the gap, and then you can close in that gap between where you are now and where you want to be okay between, between the goal and the desired outcome, and where you are right now there's this big gap, you've got to be able to, to close in that gap, the way that you do that is with process goals. Okay, so, so the next thing I think I've belabor that point enough Okay.
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The next thing that we need to do here is we need to we need to put in place like what okay what are those actions going to be. So, I mean I've got all kinds of actions like that I created this week about how I'm going to get to the desired outcome. Okay and I'm not going to go into detail as to what they specifically are because they're going to look different for my business than they do for your for your business.
Right, we're just in different, we're in different places, right, so it doesn't matter what those outcomes are, but it's just matters that you, You know that you create some action plans what what are the projects that you're going to move forward, how many people are you going to reach out to, you know what, like, like what are the systems that you're going to put in place, what, like, like you might you might not be able to build your entire funnel this week but what are the what are the pieces of the funnel that elements of the funnel that you can knock off the list this week to make it easier, so that you know that you're going to hit your process goal more effectively.
And then the next one is study and intentions. So I like to put in what am I what am I studying this week, what is my, what am I what am I going to focus on this week, like, is this going to be a week where I'm going to study sales, is it going to be a week where I'm going to study influence, is it going to be a week where I'm going to study copywriting.
Is it, like what is the focus in terms of my study going to be this week and then I also put intentions on there, because I like to have intentions for the week like this week, I'm intending service, right, the intention for this week is service, the intention for this week is productivity, the intention, the attention for this week is confidence.
Right, what are those, what are those things that I can intend for the week, so that I know that that when, if a situation comes up where it's like, Hey I you know I intended. I and I, again, there's my like my brain fog from working this weekend Conference coming out intentions not attention intentions, what are my intentions for this week. Maybe it is. It's like, it's like so that so that when I have that come up when I have an opportunity come up. And I can remember okay I said I was going to, this was going to be a week where I was, where I'm intending confidence, here's a situation where I can you know where I work and bring that about. Okay.
The next thing that I do once I fill this out, right, is I assign all of the actions to a day of the week. So I just go through, You know what am I going to, you know, what am I going to do on Monday, what am I going to do on Tuesday, and I've already listed all those things out in the in the actions in the plan section. Now I just need to assign a day of the week that I'm going to do those things because I found that if we don't do this part, then it's going to be easy to just you know, end up doing what's urgent and not what's important.
And that's a big that's another reason why people struggle so much is that they do what is urgent over what's important.
Doing this adopting a strategy like this at the beginning of your week and this does not have to be a time consuming thing, it does not have to be a complicated thing, I mean it can take you 15 minutes at the beginning of your week and it can create can radically improve your week.
But just make sure that you're assigning a day to those actions so that you know Okay, Monday I'm doing this, this and this Tuesday I'm doing this, this and this, you know maybe Wednesday is a little bit of a lighter day so I just, you know, I just put one or two things on there on Wednesday because you know I have a lighter day, you know I intentionally make a lighter day on Wednesday. I've gotten, you know some of my coaches they actually, they, they, they do every single Wednesday.
They do, they make Wednesday kind of a, a pull day, you have these push days and pull days, push weeks and pull weeks a push week is like, I'm going to I'm going stronger this week I'm really pushing this week I'm driving on a poll week I'm still taking actions, but I'm not like pushing driving like, you know, full bore right and this this is just a way of creating balance and, you know, making sure that I can sustain my energy over a long period of time, rather than, you know, going a million miles an hour and burning out, Because that's another trap that a lot of people fall into they, they create these gigantic goals and then they, they think that they're gonna, you know, do it all in one week and they try to and then they completely burn themselves out, and then they're toast, right and then they're like, then they don't, they don't get any phenomenal results out of that because they only did it for a week.
And then, you know, and then they're like do they're disappointed they're down in the dumps they're, you know, then they take the next month off. It's like, no be you know, like, have some weeks where you go harder some weeks where you don't go as hard, some days where you intentionally are like, This is a push day I'm going really, really strong that day, other days where it's a pull day and what they do is they take intentionally take pull days on Wednesdays where they, you know other other days of the week they might be working, you know 810 hour days, but on Wednesday that might be a three hour day or a four hour day, right, because they, because they know that if they keep pushing that hard, then they're going to burn out, and the rest of their week is gonna suck.
Right and it's, there's not they're gonna, they're gonna kill their productivity on on those other days, whereas if they intentionally take a less of the day on Wednesday, right right there on hump day, then that will rejuvenate their energy, meaning that they're going to be able to crush it the rest of the week. If this resonates with you guys or if there's some aha moments going off, if you guys think that this is a cool way of tracking, you know, tracking your week if you think that that adopting this habit at the beginning of the week is going to be beneficial for you or not if you if you're planning on taking this on as a new like weekly routine.
And I'm telling you in 2020 I really started, you know I didn't develop the system it was my coaches who will probably make $50 million this year, develop this system I adopted it in 2020, and it just created, you know, game changing for me. I really want you to adopt it in 20 and 2021, and report report on the results.
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